
Gnatty Savannah is On Facebook

Y’all, I had a lightbulb moment. I have long known that Savannah is a “Facebook Town”, but I am a blogger and avid Twitterer.   While listening to a lunchtime presentation on web traffic (sponsored by Hubspot), I realized that I needed to have a place to post events, news, comedy shows, restaurant openings, art exhibitions and more.  This blog is doing an OK job, but Facebook is way more efficient. I already have a community there.  So to supplement this blog, I have a launched a Facebook Page for Gnatty Savannah. It will be updated daily, so like Gnatty Savannah to stay in the loop.

food savannah

It’s the Season For Social: Savannah Events

Creators Foundry


From now until the end of the year, there will  be lots of events to attend in Savannah.

Here’s a sample of what going on this week.

Also check out the Savannah Film Fest this week and the Trustees Garden Pop-up


FOMO Prevention: Events in Savannah

I am still new to Savannah, having been here only 7 months.  I do enjoy being at home where I am often cooking, crocheting and binge-watching. However, I also like to go out and see art, music, comedy and what not. Whenever I get a case of FOMO (fear of missing out), I look around for something to do.

So here’s my list of where to find fun events in Savannah:

Offline, there are three free publications to check out. You can find them all around Savannah.  Connect Savannah and Do Savannah are weeklies and WellFED is a monthly.