events savannah

Going To BlogHer17

I am an old skool blogger. I have been blogging for over a decade. I first started with a personal blog, Nichelle Newsletter on Blogger. Then I moved it to Typepad and later over to WordPress. In 2004, I met Rachel and Allison, and we created Cupcakes Take The Cake. I have started and abandoned several blogs over the years, and this one Gnatty Savannah is my newest blog baby. I started Gnatty Savnnah nearly two years ago when I moved here to Savannah.  Gnatty Savannah is focus on food, culture and events in Savannah.

Nichelle  at the first BlogHer

I went to the first BlogHer conference in 2005 in San Jose, CA.  I am going to BlogHer  this year to reconnect with old friends and to reconnect with blogging. It’s hard to keep up a regular blogging momentum when there is faster and easier ways to distribute content via social media. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are social media I use daily. I only blog about once or twice a month.

Blogging is important because this is MY SPACE. Not MySpace (RIP), but my personal space. Social media may change, but as long as I own the domain and can pay for hosting, Gnatty Savannah is mine. Blogging is owning a home whereas social media is like renting an apartment. I need to spend more time fixing up my home. When I get back from BlogHer, I will.

food savannah

Sunday Dessert: Strawberry Bread Pudding

My weekend was sweet. Friday, I met Jovan and Matthew from The Farmer and The Larder. They were in Savannah doing a pop-up dinner at White Whale Craft Ales. I know Jovan and Matthew through my friend Nicole, so it was great to see in person and not just via Facebook and Instagram. They gave me some homemade biscuits and bread to take home, and I was immediately inspired to make a bread pudding from their donation. Saturday morning, I went to Forsyth Farmer’s Market and bought some fresh strawberries. Then I got some heavy cream from the local grocery store. Later I scoured the internet for a strawberry bread pudding recipe, and I found one that had most of the ingredients that I have. I found a great strawberry bread pudding recipe by a fellow southerner, Trisha Yearwood.  It was delicious.  I would like to make a gluten free version using cornbread.


That’s What I Like In Savannah

Since it’s hard to come up with a long blog post, I am making it easier on myself by finding three things I like in Savannah.

Three things that I like this week in Savannah:

The Hidden Hand Society (2301Bull Street) is a great place to find a quick gift for a graduate.

I highly recommend eating outside at The Atlantic (102 East Victory). The pear and gouda quesadilla is delicious.

The pecan pie at Betty Bombers (1108 Bull Street) is my jam.  Ask for it a la mode with vanilla ice cream.


Don’t forget to follow Gnatty Savannah on Facebook!



Gnatty Savannah is On Facebook

Y’all, I had a lightbulb moment. I have long known that Savannah is a “Facebook Town”, but I am a blogger and avid Twitterer.   While listening to a lunchtime presentation on web traffic (sponsored by Hubspot), I realized that I needed to have a place to post events, news, comedy shows, restaurant openings, art exhibitions and more.  This blog is doing an OK job, but Facebook is way more efficient. I already have a community there.  So to supplement this blog, I have a launched a Facebook Page for Gnatty Savannah. It will be updated daily, so like Gnatty Savannah to stay in the loop.


Savannah Eats, Laughs and Drinks

Rise Biscuits and Doughnuts
The 1970 vodka cocktail is delicious! I met the owner, Ikeda Feingold; and I really like the flavor of the vodka which has 19 ingredients including fruit and botanicals. It’s also 70 proof. Plus, the branding and look of the bottle are super cool.
April 27th- April 29th Gypsy World is having a Vintage Extravaganza sale at 2503 Larkin Avenue.
Rocket Fizz, a soda pop and candy shop is opening on East Broughton St.  I have been to the one in Marietta, Georgia. It’s a fun place to get unusual candy and soda.
Rise Biscuits and Doughnuts is coming soon to Savannah on West Broughton Street.  I can’t wait to taste their doughnuts.
art savannah

March On: Upcoming Events in Savannah

Savannah Stopover Music Festival
Photo by Geoff L Johnson

Friday, March 3: First Fridays in Starland. There will be art at Sulfur Studios and music at Foxy Loxy.

Saturday, March 4: Front Porch Improv,  a hilarious monthly improv comedy show.

Tuesday, March 7: Looking for more comedy?! Chicks and Giggles’ celebrates Women History Month with a fun lineup of local female comedians at The Sentient Bean. Performers include Tara Scott,  Mo Scheffler, Hannah Grace, Sarah Ann Knight, Ann Van Epps and more. I will be hosting.

Thursday, March 9-11: Savannah Stopover begins. It’s the music festival that features up and coming bands before they head to SXSW in Austin. I went last year and had a blast.

people savannah

Reading, Reading and Writing

Kim Addonizio, Poet
I am writing more. I am writing jokes, thoughts, and ideas. Last night, I went to a poetry reading at local independent bookstore, The Book Lady, where Kim Addonizio and Alexis Orgera. Kim Addonizio is an acclaimed poet and author, and I am sure I have seen her read in New York City back in the day. [Note: She’s the second white person I have spotted wearing a #BlackLivesMatter t-shirt in the past couple of weeks.]

In addition to being a poet, Alexis Orgera is a independent publisher of children books. She lives here in Savannah. You can check her out at Penny Candy Books.

I have been reading Pat Cleveland‘s memoir, Walking with the Muses, and I love it. Pat Cleveland was one of the first Black supermodels. She hung out with Andy Warhol and Halton. I plan on reading 12 memoirs by Black women this year. My next one will be Pauline Black’s memoir, Black By Design: A 2-Tone Memoir.

people savannah

Love Can Happen on Tinder

Couple Met on Tinder

I am desperately in need of good news even if it is about strangers. Saturday, I went to Service Brewing for Georgia Beer Day, and I met this cute young couple. The guy is from Birmingham, England and the lady is from Tennessee. They met on Tinder and have been together for seven months.


Savannah Events: Nick Cave, GeekEnd and Comedy

This week is jam-packed.

African American artist Nick Cave exhibition is opening this week at The Jepson. His soundsuit exhibit is super cool.

GeekEnd, Savannah’s tech and entrepreneur conference, is happening this weekend. Starting Friday, you can learn about what cool tech is happening in the area and meet fellow techies in the area. The speakers are great, and it is an opportunity to get inspired with your own start-up.

The Savannah Comedy Fest is coming to town.  Sketch comics, improv and stand-up comedy will be on tap at McDonoughs (21 E. McDonough Street) on Friday and Saturday. One of the performers is my friend Michelle Buteau who I met when I was running Chicks and Giggles.

Savannah Stage Company’s  B.I.G  The Improv Musical is happening Saturday at the new venue, Space Station at Starlandia (2436 Bull Street).


Savannah Events: Pulse, Open Mic Comedy and More

Happy New Year!

January is in full swing here in Savannah with lots of events.  Here’s some of the events happening in Savannah from January 9 -13th.

Monday: Emergent Savannah at Sentient Bean, “We are the leaders we are looking for” with Marisol Estrada, Edy Gresham, Tommy Crenshaw, and Patricia Stewart. The discussion is being facilitated by Professor Regina Bradley.

Tuesday:  Open Mic Comedy at Chuck’s 9:30PM Free

Wednesday: Pulse Art and Technology Fair at the Jepson Center

Thursday: Open Mic comedy at Sentient Bean 8PM. Free

Friday:  Comedian Kurt Metzger at the Wormhole.